New Year Didim Altinkum, Kusadasi Turkey summer 2025
Filters: Category: New Year × (2 offers, 371EUR - 371EUR)

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Revelion De 5 In Didim Zona Kusadasi Maxeria Blue Didyma, Didim Altinkum

Revelion De 5 In Didim Zona Kusadasi Maxeria Blue Didyma

Didim Altinkum, Kusadasi, Turkey

  • All Inclusive  
  • Bus (12/29 - 10/20/2025)
  • Airplane (12/10 - 12/09/2025)
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 10/14/2024

About Didim AltinkumDetails and images of Didim Altinkum

Didim Altinkum

Altinkum is a small resort set around the beach, situated 20 minutes walk from Didim. The name Altinkum means "golden sand" resort features three beaches: Main Beach Front beach or situated in the center and lined with cafés, restaurants and shops, Second Beach and Third Beach, which are quieter.

Este renumită prin numărul mare de cluburi şi restaurante tradiţionale. Vizitatorii pot face scufundări, pot pescui sau călări. Staţiunea este preferată de englezi.

Locul are propriul sau micro-climatic, cu umiditate mai scazuta decât partea de sud a Turciei, şi este recomandat de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS), deoarece climatul în Altinkum are un efect pozitiv pentru persoanele cu astm şi boli comune.

Recommendations for travel Didim Altinkum

Enjoy traditional dishes. Turkish Breakfast is served from 7.00-10.00 hours and consists of fresh bread, butter and jam, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, boiled eggs and unsweetened tea. A typical Turkish meal begins with a lot of appetizers, followed by meat, fish or grilled kebab, and ends with fresh fruit or milk pudding and a cup of strong Turkish coffee. You can try a delicious way consisting of eggs beaten with tomato, green pepper and onion.