About Adiyaman - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Adiyaman is a city of civilizations, founded in 40000 BC Complex Southeastern Taurus Mountain, one of the first human settlements to be known.
Home to 16 different civilizations, this ancient city is one of the most prominent archaeological sites in the world.
Mount Nemrud and its famous ruins of the imperial cult of Commagene is in Eastern Taurus mountain range. In 2012, the whole room Turkish Borusan Quartet, organized a concert entitled "Songs Sung Sun" to the summit of Mount Nemrud mark where an unforgettable musical experience.
Because the Taurus mountain range crossing the city, the city itself is protected to the north by mountains Malatya, there are two different climates on the north and south sides of Adiyaman. With hot summers and cold winters in the south, the north is colder and colder summers and winters.
Adiyaman | Adıyaman Province (Turkish: ILI Adıyaman is a province) in the south central Turkey. It was created in 1954 from part of the province of Malatya. 2] It has an area of 7606.16 square kilometers and a population of 590,935 (2010 est
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