About Afyon - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Afyon recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Afyon, Anatolia
The city is well known for its culinary delights, including the most outstanding are lokum (Turkish delight specific), Kaymak (a sort of cream fortified with glazed desserts, which legend says that would be obtained from cows fed on plantations opium), sucukul (spicy sausage). There are plantations of opium - strictly regulated by government bodies - marble quarries and numerous thermal baths.
For those looking for moments of relaxation and pampering, Afyon offers outstanding spas and thermal baths and Gazligol Kaplicasi (25 km northwest) and Omerli Gecek Kaplicalari (15 km and 14 km to the northwest) Huda Kaplicasi (68 km southwest) and Heybeli Kaplicasi (30 km from downtown). On the other hand, Sandikli is known for mud baths. All these resorts offers accommodation.
Archaeological Museum and Museum of the war of independence are points of interest for those interested in discovering Turkish culture and history. Also to the north are the ruins of monumental belonging Phrygian civilization, of which the largest are Aslantaş and Aslankaya. Afyon citadel built during the Byzantine period and used as a defensive stronghold of the Hittite king Mursil II is another interesting building, while Dazkiri town - located on Highway Denizli - a center deal in carpets and rugs.
Afyon | Province Afyon, Afyonkarahisar is known as the confluence of three major roads in Turkey, presenting itself as a gateway linking the lower regions of the Aegean and Anatolia. Afyon is bordered to the east of Konya, west of Usak, Kutahya the northwest and
southwest of Denizli
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