About Ayvalik - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ayvalik recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (9 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ayvalik, Aegean Turkey
Ayvalik has developed between XVI - XVIII became a small sanctuary of the Greeks. They went to Greece after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish-occupied Ayvalik.
Ayvalik was until 1922 a Greek Christian community and even today has a special atmosphere because of neo-classical facades of old buildings and Christian churches transformed into mosques.
Ayvalik resort is now popular among lovers of beach and sea. Visit Şeytan Sofrasi - Devil's Table and Tavsankulari - Rabbit Hill peninsula Timerhane ear; these points will panoramic scenic views of the coast and surrounding islands.
Ayvalik | Ayvalik is a seaside resort situated on the Aegean coast, in Balıkesir province, about 50 km southwest of Edremit. Off the coast of Ayvalik are over 20 islands, the largest being Alibey Adasi or Cunda
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