About Bodrum - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bodrum recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (172 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bodrum, Bodrum
Bodrum, with its bohemian atmosphere and elitist, is a picturesque village situated on the Aegean coast, on a peninsula near the island of Kos. It is a good place to start a trip along the coast cariene, with its panorama of mythology and history, with a typical Mediterranean architecture with spectacular sandy beaches and rocky coves.
Bodrum's night is fascinating, is a charming tourist destination that meets the requirements of every tourist and visitor awaiting to discover its mysteries. Known as the ancient Halicarnassus (Halikarnassos) Bodrum town gained fame by being the Greek historian Herodotus's hometown and also the location of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus - one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Alexander the Great conquered the city in 334 BC, without destroying it.
As a place where people have lived continuously for thousands of years, Bodrum has an incredibly rich past. Its location near many ancient civilizations and events of history have made Bodrum an important site for historians.
Debris Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, in the north of Bodrum (about 1 km away) are contained in an open air museum, visited by the public.
Sf.Petru visit is the castle near the port of Bodrum, the Crusaders built the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus John of debris, destroyed by an earthquake in the XII century.
Bodrum | Bodrum, with its bohemian atmosphere and elitist, is a picturesque village situated on the Aegean coast, on a peninsula near the island of Kos. It is a good place to start a trip along the coast cariene, with its panorama of mythology and history, with
a typical Mediterranean architecture with spectacular sandy beaches and rocky coves
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