About Bolu - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lake Abant is one of the amazing beauty of Bolu city offers. It is 34 kilometers (21 miles) southwest of the province, situated at an altitude of 1500 meters. The lake is magnificent spread lilies and deep green forest surrounding it. There are high quality accommodations around the lake, in that deserves to spend some time. It is frozen in winter and people can skate on ice.
Kartalkaya on Koroglu Mountains is a perfect resort for those who like skiing. This is one of the three best winter sports centers in Turkey. You will find peace and sports enthusiasm in Kartalkaya, about 38 km (23 mi) southeast of the city.
City Goynuk is about 96 km (60 miles) southwest of Bolu center, situated on the old trade routes from Anatolia. The district is famous for its traditional Turkish houses the mausoleum (peat) of Aksemsettin Professor Sultan Mehmet II.
53 km (33 km) north-west of Bolu is Konuralp (almost Düzce), which was the ancient Pruso Hyplum ad. You can see a well-preserved Roman theater and examples of Roman and Byzantine art, housed in the museum.
Vaputeţi enjoy four seasons in Bolu. For those who prefer sun-sand-sea, Akcakoca provides this opportunity in an attractive Black Sea. You can enjoy wonderful beaches while sitting at small hotels. You can also visit Castle Genovese hidden hazelnut orchards.
Bolu | Bolu is one of the most enchanting areas of Turkey located approximately half-way between Istanbul and Ankara. Bolu is famous for its dense forests, fauna and hot spring facilities.
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