About Canakkale - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Canakkale recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (90 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Canakkale, Canakkale
Canakkale is a city in western Turkey, on the southern shore of the Dardanelles, one of the Turkish ports linking the Mediterranean Sea and the Marmara Sea. The territory of this town lies both in Europe and in Asia.
With an area of about 1000 square kilometers, Canakkale city has a population of no more than 110,000 urban residents.
In ancient times the town was called the Hellespont or Dardanelles Çanakkale and, due to its location on the passage that connects the two largest city history and culture particularly rich.
Nowadays, many travelers come to Canakkale to visit the Gallipoli Battlefields - in Gallipoli - where, in 1915 during World War I, Mustafa Kemal, later known as Atatürk (the first president of the Turkish Republic), defended the allies (in France, Britain, Italy, Australia and New Zealand).
During the campaign nine months more than 250,000 soldiers lost their lives on both fronts. Many of them are buried in nearby cemeteries. In world history of this war it is known as the "war gentlemen".
War Zone is a place worth visiting.
Another very interesting place near Çanakkale is the old city of Troy, located 15 km south. In this place you can find continuity since 3,000 BC people
Moreover, wooden horse used in the movie "Troy" was donated Çanakkale city, and now is only 2 minutes walk east from the ferry port.
Canakkale | Çanakkale is the city situated on the Asian side of the Dardanelles - Çanakkale in Turkish Boğaziçi where it has a width of 1 km. The European side is called Eceabat. Dardanelles Strait that separates Europe from Asia and linking the south with the north
Aegean Marmara Sea
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