About Dalyan - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dalyan recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dalyan, Marmaris
Life in Dalyan revolves around the Dalyan River that flows beside Cayi city. Boats sailing up and down the river, through a maze of reeds, are the preferred means of transport.
Up the steep cliffs of the river are degraded facades of Lycian tombs cut from rock, circa 400 BC .. The ruins of the ancient city shopping Kaunos are a boat trip across the river.
In the south of Dalyan on the Mediterranean coast, lies Iztuzu Beach, near the village of the same name is a popular area for sunbathing and swimming. There are regular boat and minibus (dolmus) from the beach. Visitors should be aware of wooden stakes on the beach to mark nesting sites of turtles. Road route is particularly scenic view Sülüngür Lake. In 2008 Iztuzu Beach was proclaimed winner in the category Best Open Space (Europe), The Times, because eco-friendly operation of the beach.
Dalyan | Dalyan is a town in Muğla Province located between the well-known districts of Marmaris and Fethiye on the south-west coast of Turkey. The town is an independent municipality, within the administrative district of Ortaca
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