About Denizli - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Denizli recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Denizli, Kusadasi
Beycesultan Mound bears traces of the first settlement in the province where the Kingdom of Arzawa founded the first settlements. The area was taken by the Ottoman Empire in 1391 and became a province with the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.
Honaz Mountain, the highest mountain in the Aegean Region, is situated in this city and a perfect location for a variety of sports. The coolest province of the Aegean Region, Denizli is known for its cool summers and mild winters.
Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List the antique cities Hierapolis, Laodicea and Triapolis are located in the province of Denizli too.
Denizli may also be considered a student city as it is the site of Pamukkale University. Furthermore, the city attracts attention with festivals organized through the year.
Denizli | The second largest city of the Aegean region, the cradle of many civilizations and ancient cities and a world heritage site famous for its Pamukkale travertines the history of Denizli goes back to the fourth millennium BC
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