About Diyarbakir - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Diyarbakir is located on a transition zone connecting the mountainous northern areas and the plains of Mesopotamia. It is presently at the centre of the highway network connecting other important settlements of the region such as Elazig, Mardin, Sanliurfa and Bitlis. Diyarbakir has air connections to the big city centers of Turkey such as Istanbul and Ankara.
Famous for its massive black basalt walls, Diyarbakır was a tense place during the Kurdish separatist troubles of the 1980s and 1990s.
Come for the walls which surround an old city still showing its Roman town plan; for the interesting old Arab-style mosques, a few Chaldean churches, and nice old historic houses. The lush gardens along the banks of the Tigris are worth a look as well.
Diyarbakir | Situated on the banks of Tigris (Dicle) river in South-Eastern Anatolia, Diyarbakir still carries a medieval air with its walls encircling the city.
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