About Ilgaz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Here is also a modern mountain resort, where you can practice winter sports. Among the mountain scenery, ski slopes are situated at altitudes of 1800 - 2000 meters.
There are picnic facilities and good accommodation locations (with a total accommodation capacity of 920 people) and hunting opportunities.
It is an area that is constantly investing in the years ahead, targeting the expansion of the complex and the accommodation capacity for tourists.
Ilgaz Mountains occupy the northern half of the region and reaches a height of 2587 m impressive due Hacettepe ridge. The mountain range stretches over a total length of 150 kilometers from east to west, with a width of 30 kilometers.
Srpe just 10 kilometers west of Hacettepe are massive highway D765, which connects the Black Sea to central Anatolia. The highest elevation highway reaches the 1,850 meters.
Nature lovers will be delighted by the enchanting scenery, and rich wildlife. Ilgaz Natural Park, located just 63 kilometers away south of Kastamonu, is one of the most beautiful in Turkey, providing a great biodiversity, because of its location in the transition region between the Black Sea and central Anatolia.
Forests cover more than 80% of the total area, the main species of vegetation is oak, fir and pine.
About 30 species of mammals live in the Ilgaz Mountains, the most important are deer, wild boar, gray wolf, brown bear, reddish fox, hare, wild cat and marten.
Turtistii can easily reach Ilgaz, because the airport is nearer Kastmanou, just 20 km from Ilgaz.
Ilgaz | Ilgaz is a town and district of the province of Cankiri in Central anatoleza region of Turkey. Ilgaz is also the name of a mountain range that lies between Kastamonu and Cankiri.
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