About Mardin Province - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Located near the traditional boundary of Anatolia and Mesopotamia, it has a diverse population, composed by Kurdish, Arab and Assyrian people.
The local Assyrians/Syriacs, while very reduced due to the massacres of the Assyrian Genocide, hold on to two of the oldest monasteries in the world, Dayro d-Mor Hananyo and Deyrulumur Monastery. The Christian community is concentrated on the Tur Abdin plateau and in the town of Midyat, with a smaller community (approximately 100) in the provincial capital.
Mardin Province | Mardin is a city in southeastern Turkey. The capital of Mardin Province, it is known for the Artuqid architecture of its old city, and for its strategic location on a rocky hill near the Tigris River that rises steeply over the flat plains
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