About Ozdere - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ozdere recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (56 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ozdere, Kusadasi
It is located about 40 km (25 mi) northwest of the resort town of Kusadasi near 70 km (43 mi) south of Izmir, the provincial seat.
The city is located in the vicinity of numerous historic sites and is accessible via the provincial road Selçuk-Kusadasi-Seferihisar-Urla.
The area was settled and cultivated long before the Turkish administration area, which is reflected in the many historical names of the city were once supported.
During the Ottoman city it was known as Kesri, and it was not until 1960 that the village has undergone a considerable increase in the density of population and began to be generally referred to by its current name, Özdere.
On June 3, 1979, a municipality in the district of Menderes was established under this name, the official boundaries of the city under development. As 2015 was unincorporated, following the dissolution of the municipality in 2008.
Nowadays Özdere, local businesses and even district services are greatly affected by fluctuations in the abundance of tourist revenue and income from acquisitions and interaction of visitors.
Promenades and walkways along the shoreline host many taverns, shops and restaurants that contribute to visitors.
Jewelry stores exotic and malls in the city center and near the road beach access and tend to attract tourists and flaunt their presence for the visitors, but to a lesser extent than other resorts nearby and doubtless Popular such as Kuşadası.
Interior streets, food vendors and farmers markets operate modest and see more success in the summer, a high point for tourism in the city when the weather conditions are favorable and the beach.
Travel agencies, car rental and holiday home services, and the like thrive in Özdere due to high demand and continued expansion of the city. The same applies for tour companies and charters.
Tourism in Özdere saw its inception in the mid-1960s, when the city was first mentioned by its present name, and during which first began building their resorts.
Today, the same resorts and tourism, known today as Paloma Club Sultan and Paloma Pasha Resort have 434 and 268 rooms, respectively the revenues from tourism and industry are estimated to be growing every year, and the early 21st century the amount of money changed in the city totaled approximately 1,000,000,000,000 ₺.
With tourist income growth still continues to expand at the same rate, total revenue from this tourist city without spending is estimated to be at ₺.
The abundance of hotels and resorts are one of the primary factors in the exponential expansion of the city's summer population.
Ozdere | Ozdere (English pronunciation: /ˈoʊzˌdɛreɪ/, Turkish pronunciation: [øzdeɾe]) is a Turkish coastal settlement and resort town in the Menderes district of İzmir Province, along the Aegean Sea coast.
It has a permanent population of around 15,000 people, which can rise to nearly 100,000 during the summer[a] as a result of its popularity amongst tourists
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