About Samsun - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It is located at the end of a old route Cappadocia: Amisos antiquity stands on the headland northwest of the modern city center.
Samsun is a city with a population of over half a million people on the north coast of Turkey. It is the provincial capital of Samsun Province and a major Black Sea port. The city has two universities in growth, more hospitals, shopping malls, light industry machining, sports facilities and a work.
Although very old Genoese raids have burned down the city in the 1400s, so not too much left of the old Samsun. In Samsun Mustafa Kemal Pasha (later Atatürk) came ashore on 19 May 1919 to mobilize the Turkish people against Allied occupation and start the War of Independence. Little remains of the town from the early 20th century, the Black Sea port. A booming economy has covered old Samsun with modern, high.
Worth to visit museums of Archaeology and Ethnography and right next door Atatürk Museum. Parks and promenades along the Black Sea in the city are also enjoyable. Samsun has many decent hotels and restaurants.
Samsun | Samsun is situated between two river deltas jutting out into the Back Sea, north of Turkey. West of the town the Kizilirmark (the Red River), one of the longest rivers of Anatolia, produced its fertile delta, East of the town the Yesilirmak (the Green
River), a river that passes some remarkable towns on its way to the sea, did the same
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