About Sapanca - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sapanca Lake, where one can enjoy the warm summer days, flowery springs and snow clad winter days, is one of the most popular sites of the region. Visitors can stop by some cafes and restaurants positioned around the lake and enjoy the view or take a round tour via bike.
One of the most visited places in the region is Kırkpınar. The site of numerous plant species and pristine nature, Kırpınar has numerous locations worth the visit.
Another must-see place is Maşukiye. You can take strolls and enjoy the scenic view of this charming village popular for its restaurants serving delicious trout fish meals.
Nature enthusiasts may prefer to explore the region by touring the lush green highlands of Sapanca. The Cigdem, Soğucak, Inonu, Dikmen and Sultanpinar plateaus are ideal locations to explore the natural diversity of the area.
Istanbuldere and Aygir Creek connecting to Sapanca Lake are among the other natural wonders revealing beautifully unique sights. Do not miss the opportunity to visit these natural wonders while visiting the Sapanca Lake region.
History enthusiasts visiting Sapanca can also sightsee the historical monuments belonging to the Ottoman period. The Rahim Sultan Mosque, Rustempasa Mosque, Vecihi Gate and the sarcophagi and tombstones of the Byzantine period are among major historical sites worth the visit.
Sapanca offers a variety of thermal springs and comfortable hotels for the convenience of tourist who want to spend a peaceful and rejuvenating holiday.
Sapanca | Founded in the southern area of Sapanca Lake and surrounded by green trees as many as the eye can see, Sapanca encompasses numerous sites of interest.
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